[RTTY] Fw: ARLB006 NTIA: No Objection to Additional Data Modes on60 Meters

Joe Subich, W4TV lists at subich.com
Thu Mar 29 18:08:44 PDT 2012

While you may have the technical "chops" to do proper frequency shaping
and filtering to generate an AFSK signal that is better than most "FSK"
transmitters, the vast majority of users - even many who use your
software - simply pump audio into the mic jack without any regard to
level and impedance matching.  In doing so, they destroy the benefits
of the careful audio tailoring by clipping in the mic preamp, over
driving the finals, generating ALC overshoot, etc.  This doesn't
include the problems mentioned due to the misuse and abuse of AFC.

It doesn't take more than a short amount of casual listening on the
bands to hear plenty of examples of each of the problems from AFSK.
Couple that with those who use an old TS-520, FT-101, FT-757, TS-440, 
etc. that hasn't been aligned for 30+ years (off frequency carrier
oscillator and unbalanced balanced modulator) and the AFSK signals are
simply trash generators.  I've looked up e-mail addresses of more than
a few AFSK (and PSK31/JT-65/etc.) operators on HF to send them notes
about their trashy signals (including scope pictures).

Even the "big time" DXpeditions aren't immune ...  I remember one of
the 10/10/10 operations that had three signals at a time and a stronger
signal on wide shift (inverted, I think) due to clipping products and a
badly unbalanced/misaligned "balanced modulator".

The vast number of problems could be eliminated by using FSK.  Even if
the FSK signal isn't "laboratory prefect" like it is from some AFSK
software, it doesn't get screwed up by users who can't handle more than
a single button mouse.


    ... Joe, W4TV

On 3/29/2012 7:20 PM, Kok Chen wrote:
> On Mar 29, 2012, at 4:13 PM, Joe Subich, W4TV wrote:
>> AFSK is the RTTY mode for technological novices ... those who do not
>> know how to operate their transceivers in the way the manufacturer
>> designed them to operate.
> I would like you to substantiate that statement, Joe.
> I haven't transmitted using FSK for years now.  There is so many more technological advantages to using AFSK.
> 73
> Chen, W7AY
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