Mick Mc Grory mi0grg at ymail.com
Sat May 12 01:14:12 PDT 2012

I have never understood people who criticize DXpeditions.I was very surprised at some of the comments about 7O6T on this reflector,especially the notion that there should be a withdrawal of support by DX foundations.No one on earth has a god given right to a QSO with 7O6T-full stop.I fully agree with ZS2EZ's thoughts,and would concur with him that when the Desecheo operation was taking place I could'nt break the USA wall on RTTY either,I didn't cry here about it though!!The people who complain on this reflector are no better than the people who whine on the cluster about their QSO's not being in the log or "can't break EU wall".Remember its easy to criticize from a soft armchair!!I would love to work 7O6T on RTTY.I am located 3,000 miles closer,I have yagi's from 30-10Mtrs,and I'm capable of running 400W,I still haven't managed a RTTY QSO.Its hard to avoid the aroma of sour grapes on this group.I'm just glad that someone went to 7O to at least give me a
 chance of a QSO,and I'm grateful for the bandslots I have on CW and SSB.Come on guys,time to grow up!!


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