[RTTY] Need a better strategy

Bill Turner dezrat1242 at yahoo.com
Sat May 12 22:23:35 PDT 2012

You know, that's not a bad idea. 
The DX calls CQ on one frequency, 14080, but says he will answer you on your frequency (but NOT this one). He would hop around working stations on their frequency simplex until the pileup thins out, then call CQ on 14080 again. He could announce an area limitation. 

Is there a Q signal for that? How about QYF meaning I will answer on your frequency? 


When he goes QRT he would announce that too of course. 

I need to think this through some more but I think I like it.  :-)

73, Bill W6WRT

> From: Ed Muns <ed at w0yk.com>
When I worked Bouvet several decades ago on CW, the operator never called CQ
>but roamed around the band answering stations who were calling him blind.
>He didn't have any jammers or policing but I'm not sure I'd recommend this
>Ed W0YK

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