[RTTY] WAE RTTY Robot: VERY GOOD quality TNX! [41 quality points] (was: K1SD)

James jms_k1sd at verizon.net
Tue Nov 13 09:25:35 EST 2012

Now this is a robot.

     73  James / K1SD / Rhode Island

-----Original Message-----
From: Helmut Mueller DF7ZS [mailto:waedc-info at dxhf.darc.de] 
Sent: Tuesday, November 13, 2012 8:35 AM
To: jms_k1sd at verizon.net
Subject: VERY GOOD quality TNX! [41 quality points] (was: K1SD)

 - - - Der deutschsprachige Text folgt unten. - - -

Dear YL, dear OM,

thank you for your log of the WAE-DX-Contest in RTTY.  This message
indicates that your email was received on 2012-11-13 14:34:31.

  Cabrillo or STF ... GOOD [+10 QPs]
  Contest : DARC-WAEDC-RTTY ... GOOD [+10 QPs]
  Mycall : K1SD ... GOOD [+5 QPs]
  K1SD in email subject: ... GOOD [+5 QPs]
  Category : SINGLE-OP HIGH ... GOOD [+10 QPs]
  Claimed Score : 9636 ... good [+1 QPs]
  Claimed QSO not found - no problem
  ClaimedMult not found - no problem

******** Your QSO line check statistics ********
 Total QSO-Lines             66
 Valid format QSO lines      66
 Valid content QSO lines     66
 QSOs with time before start 0
 QSOs with time after end    0
 QSOs with invalid minute    0
 QSOs with invalid band      0
 QSOs with invalid mode      0

*********** Result of QSO line check *********** Perfect!
We can read all QSO-Lines in your log.

You sent a valid Cabrillo file and therefore you can find your entry in the
list of incoming logs on the website.
After closing date your score will be listed in the claimed scores.

These attachments were found in your mail:
  Text: msg-32560-1.txt (Type: text)
  Text: msg-32560-2.html (Type: text)
  Attachment: K1SD.LOG (Type: application)

Accessing the following URL allows you to check your log submission.
After the log checking is finished, you will also find your personal UBN
report for your log at that URL.
	* SNIP *
The contest results will be published on the WAEDC web site
as follows:

          CW: December 10, 2011
         SSB: January 10, 2012
        RTTY: March 10, 2012

This e-mail was generated automatically - please do not reply to this
address.  In case of questions, please send mail to the WAE-DX Contest
Committee at waedc-info at dxhf.darc.de .

If there are any problems with your log we will contact you directly by

73 for now and thanks for taking part in the WAE-DX-Contest!

The WAEDC Log Robot waertty at dxhf.darc.de

 - - - - - - - -

Liebe YL, lieber OM,

vielen Dank für dein Log vom WAE-DX-Contest in RTTY. Diese Nachricht
bestätigt, dass deine E-Mail am 2012-11-13 14:34:31 angekommen ist.
	* SNIP *

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