KH6GMP kh6gmp at hawaii.rr.com
Wed Oct 3 06:03:57 EDT 2012

Here is a new thread that I would imagine will bring up a lot of 
comments. After seeing all the comments regarding exchanges in the rtty 
contests lately, here is a part of one that brought to mind a question 
Ive always had about contesting both RTTY and phone.  The partial quote 
I refer to is:
Using "DE" in a contest where the exchange is US states is not 
recommended. That happens to be the abbreviation for Delaware, and if 
there were QRM or QRN the "NY" in the above might be missed and the Q 
logged as Delaware.
My concern is with the station identification section of the FCC rules 
which is:

Sec. 97.119 Station identification.
(a) Each amateur station, except a space station or telecommand
station, must transmit its assigned call sign on its transmitting
channel at the end of each communication, and at least every 10 minutes 
during a communication, for the purpose of clearly making the source of 
the transmissions from the station known to those receiving the

I have always included in my transmissions, whether in runs when giving 
my QSL/QRZ or when answering another station and giving my report, with 
DE and my call. This is because in the above cited FCC reg, I feel that 
'at the end of each communication' means after each contact with a 
particular station.  From what I see I think I am in the minority when I 
do this. Id like to know how the other contesters feel about this issue.

73 ALOHA DE KH6GMP (in Hawaii, not Delaware)

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