[RTTY] JARTS RTTY Coming Soon!

7L4IOU ncb02761 at nifty.com
Mon Oct 8 07:09:39 EDT 2012

Hello Steve-san and Tapani-san

Also some opinions in JARTS.
We will discuss.
Thank you very much.

73, Hisami 7L4IOU

>Good point, Steve. I second your proposals 100%!
>12h/24h varieties sound good for me.
>73 to JARTS officers, too, de Tapani/OH2LU (lic'd to xmit since 1953)
>On Mon, 8 Oct 2012 11:21:24 +0300, hodgson at cytanet.com.cy wrote:
>>Hello Hisami, thank you for the JARTS
>>48 hour SOAB Category is a bit too much
>>in this day and age, for me anyway.
>>I and no doubt many others like to compete
>>to win and unless you do the full 48 hours
>>then you do not give yourself a chance.
>>If you do not have a chance then there is no
>>point in entering the contest.
>>Maybe you would consider putting in more
>>categories say  SOSB,  and 24 and 12 hour cats
>>for us oldies who can't whack the 48 anymore.
>>I hope that you and your family are keeping well.
>>73 Steve, ZC4Li.
>>-----Original Message----- 
>>From: 7L4IOU 
>>Sent: 08 October, 2012 04:57 
>>To: 7L4IOU at jarts.jp 
>>Subject: JARTS RTTY Coming Soon! 
>>Fellow Contesters, 
>>The JARTS WW RTTY is held on Oct. 20-21. 
>>We have the great pleasure to invite you to the 21th WW RTTY CONTEST 
>>conducted by the Japanese Amateur Radio Teleprinter Society, JARTS. 
>>2012 Rules and 2011 Results are online at http://www.jarts.jp 
>>if you have any questions, please email to questions at jarts.jp 
>>73, Hisami 7L4IOU
>>JARTS Contest Manager
>>RTTY mailing list
>>RTTY at contesting.com

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