[RTTY] PK232

Ted Boerkamp tboerkamp at cogeco.ca
Sat Oct 13 16:41:16 EDT 2012

Hi Jay....how is KISS related to host mode??? I can use hyperterminal and
logger32 digital window to decode rtty no probs but lately both N1MM and
Writelog are both giving me grief trying to use their clone receive only
Windows...N1MM tells me that comport1 is already used so I cant associate it
With the clone window and Writelog says I cant initialize the unit in host
mode??? So if I use the four commands that you mentioned, this should
hopefully cure my problem??? Thank-you for the help...it is appreciated...


-----Original Message-----
From: RTTY [mailto:rtty-bounces at contesting.com] On Behalf Of Jay WS7I
Sent: October 12, 2012 8:17 PM
To: rtty at contesting.com
Subject: [RTTY] PK232

If you can use hyperterm then the pk-232 is not in kiss mode.

>From a google on the subject pk-232 in kiss:

You need several commands to get KISS to turn on.  Here is the exact command
sequence that will get an AEA PK-232 or PK-87 into KISS mode:

KISS on         -- enable KISS version of host mode
RAWHDLC on      -- turn off AX25L2 (the protocol is now handled by the PC)
PPERSIST on     -- turn off DWAIT and enable p-persistence
HOST on         -- start KISS running

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