[RTTY] Want to be spotted by the skimmer? Leave a space

Wes Cosand wz7i at arrl.net
Sat Aug 3 11:30:47 EDT 2013

Want RCKskimmer to spot you during a contest?  Follow one rule in
formatting your CQ call:

Make certain to transmit a space (" ") after both your call letters and the
key word (CQ, TEST, or QRZ).  This will usually mean transmitting a space
at the end of the line.

CQ transmissions during a contest might resemble the following:

"QRZ WZ7I " (note space at end of line)

"AA5AU TU WZ7I CQ "  (note space at end of line)

"CQ DE WZ7I "  (note space at end of line)

(During non-contest periods the keyword needs to proceed your call letters.)

Wes, WZ7I

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