[RTTY] SARTG Robot Scoring

Jan Palmquist jan.palmquist at mailbox.swipnet.se
Mon Aug 19 12:38:14 EDT 2013


The log robot has calculated the claimed score wrong.
Many of you have seen that and also informed us.

This is now  corrected.. The scores in the claimed
list are now updated and should be correct. There is
no need to resend the log.

I have down loaded some logs and will check the
scoring in detail. The final score will be calculated
with our well proven software.

This is our first try with a robot, it will save us
a lot of work and we encourage you all to use it.

Oleg/UA9QCQ gives excellent support and will do his
best to correct any other fault that hopefully not shows up.

We still of course accept logs by email, but please do
not send logs both ways.

Thanks for taking part in SARTG WW contest.

Jan - SM5FUG
Memeber of SARTG contest team.

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