[RTTY] Dash vs space, more beat this to death

Wa3frp wa3frp at aol.com
Mon Feb 11 12:41:17 EST 2013

>USOS prevents this by sending a LTRS character every time it
>detects a space, thus resetting things back to "normal".

I think that this is incorrect.  As I remember, USOS is enabled on the receiver's end and adds the extra LTRS on space.  I don't believe that the transmitting station sends a LTRS character along with each SPACE character that it detects.  This is a carryover from the mechanical teleprinter age when USOS was enabled in Teletype and other similar machines.  Does anyone have a counter to this claim?
Thanks and 73,
Russ - WA3FRP
wa3frp at aol.com


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