[RTTY] BARTG Sprint 2013

Bill Turner dezrat1242 at yahoo.com
Mon Jan 7 21:31:04 EST 2013

On Mon, 7 Jan 2013 14:46:57 -0800 (PST), you wrote:
>You report any moves to another call district, just like you do with your drivers license when you move to a new state, right?

Apples and oranges. 

In the USA, different states have different rules of the road. In wide open
Montana speed limits may be quite different from a more congested eastern state.
Having a driver's license and different rules for each state makes sense. 

Not so for the FCC. The rules are nationwide and do not vary from one part of
the country to another. 

So let's take you point. I live in California and have a W6 call (W6WRT, my
initials). Suppose I move to the 5th call area and I become W5WRT. Now what
state am I in? Would you like the FCC to issue calls based on the state? There
could be W01AAA through W50ZZZ  I suppose. California was the 31st state so I
could be W31WRT.  Would that be better? There are some 3000+ counties in the
USA. Why not have W2754XXX? Is that better? How about cities? Towns? Villages?
Wide spots in the road?

As it is now, the FCC issues one call that is valid anywhere in it's
jurisdiction. Good enough I say.

Bill, W6WRT

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