[RTTY] Removing line feed at end of contest messages

iain macdonnell - N6ML ar at dseven.org
Mon Jan 7 23:01:42 EST 2013

On Mon, Jan 7, 2013 at 6:51 PM, Bill Turner <dezrat1242 at yahoo.com> wrote:
> On Mon, 7 Jan 2013 14:55:19 -0700, K6LL wrote:
>>I respectfully request that you PLEASE remove line feeds at the
>>end of all of your programmed messages.  In N1MM Logger, the line
>>feed causes received text to jump up a line, sometimes causing a
>>mouse-click to miss its target.
> N1MM Logger has an option which will do this for you. Go to the Digital
> Interface window, click Setup, then Settings then check the box which says
> "Remove Excess Linefeeds From RX Window". This prevents more than one linefeed
> at a time.
> For some reason, that box is not checked by default. I think it should be.
> There is another command that will help too. At the end of each macro EXCEPT F5,
> add {END}{CLRRX}. That will clear the receive screen after the macro executes
> and make the new text start at the top of the RX screen. If you accidentally put
> it at the end of the F5 macro, it will interfere with ESM. One caution when
> using this: Clearing the RX window also prevents you from scrolling back. If
> scrolling back is important to you, you may want to either not use it or use it
> only on certain macros instead of all.
> Personally I never scroll back. If I don't catch something the first time I just
> send AGN AGN. Much faster.  :-)

Dave brought this issue up on the N1MM Logger mailing list today. We
both learned that CLRRX doesn't actually lose the scrollback buffer,
it just moves it up, out of sight. You can still scroll up and get it
back. I'll be adding CLRRX to my macros for the next one...


    ~iain / N6ML

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