[RTTY] US call signs (BARTG)

Michael Haack, WB9B mikehaack at aol.com
Mon Jan 7 23:43:53 EST 2013

Why are we trying to fix something that's not broken?

As per Part 97: Section 97.119 (c ) While not required, it is perfectly 
permissible for a station to add a designator to his/her callsign to 
indicate a district they are operating from, Say WB9B/7.

If you want to change the contest rules to state that a station will add 
such to their call during said contest, go right ahead.

73, Mike Wb9b

n 2013-01-07 6:30 PM, Larry wrote:
> It is an argument that has come up many, many times since the FCC 
> changed the rules in 1978. But the answer to your question is no. 1978 
> and prior you could sign K0RC/# where # is the call district you move 
> to. In theory if the FCC reverted to the previous rules you could 
> again sign K0RC/#. The move back to the previous rules would generate 
> a huge administrative problem for the FCC. Even if you could talk 
> those of us in different call districts to request new call signs 
> consistent with the call districts it could be a huge administrative 
> problem and not all would do the change without an FCC directive 
> (highly unlikely).
> 73, Larry  W6NWS (in NC).
> -----Original Message----- From: Robert Chudek - K0RC
> Sent: Monday, January 07, 2013 7:08 PM
> To: rtty at contesting.com
> Subject: Re: [RTTY] US call signs (BARTG)
> So basically what you're saying is if I want to keep my call sign, the
> FCC has locked me out of moving to another district?
> 73 de Bob - KØRC in MN
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> On 1/7/2013 5:56 PM, foxbw at comcast.net wrote:
>> Thank you Ken, VE3HLS, for a perfectly well thought out method of 
>> assigning US call signs.  I agree 100%.
>> "Simple.? Stick with what you had.
>> You report any moves to another call district, just like you do with 
>> your drivers license when you move to a new state, right?? The FCC 
>> issues you with a call for the new call district.? If it's possible 
>> to keep your call and just change the number, then perfect.? If not, 
>> you get a new call.? If you simply _must_ have a vanity call then you 
>> get a vanity call that corresponds to your call district (see 
>> above).? If there isn't one that you like then, well, tough."
>> I suppose it is too logical for the FCC to implement, or does that 
>> vanity call fee mean that much to them?
>> Barry - W1HFN
>> (live in MA, moved from MD as a K3)
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