[RTTY] Cabrillo Converter

ham at n0sq.us ham at n0sq.us
Tue Jan 8 19:30:18 EST 2013

I run WF1B on a Linux host using DOSBOX. It runs on other platforms: http://www.dosbox.com/download.php?main=1

There are other virtual machine programs out there for Windows, MAC, and Linux. But, if you're happy with the newer software.........

Bill Turner <dezrat1242 at yahoo.com> wrote ..
> On Mon, 07 Jan 2013 09:54:29 -0500, you wrote:
> >I am still using RTTY5.02 by WF1B for the RTTY contests. I used it this 
> >weekend for the ARRL RTTY Roundup.
> It's good to see that some are keeping the old flame alive. 
> For those new to RTTY contesting, Ray Ortgeisen, WF1B, was the person most
> responsible for the surge in RTTY contesting that began back in the '90s. His
> software, simply called RTTY, was the first widely used contest program for RTTY
> and it became an instant hit on the air. It was a DOS based program and required
> an external TNC such as a KAM or Pakratt.  To the best of my recollection it did
> not have a software decoder anything like MMTTY. Somebody please correct me if
> I'm wrong. I used it with a KAM for many years. 
> The program ran fine on DOS or Windows 95 and 98 but it would not run on XP.
> That spelled it's doom, sad to say. 
> Mention of Ray has all but disappeared these days, but us old time RTTY'ers have
> not forgotten the guy who made all this fun and excitement possible. 
> Bless you Ray, wherever you are. 
> 73, Bill W6WRT

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