[RTTY] US call signs (BARTG)

Roger Cooke g3ldi at g3ldi.co.uk
Wed Jan 9 06:32:42 EST 2013

That sounds like a complete paradox to me! If they don't add their 
call area then how are
we supposed to know where they are and if they are a mult or not?

73 de Confused of Swardeston Roger, G3LDI

On 09/01/2013 10:53, Paul Stoetzer wrote:
> All those contests use US Call Areas as mults, but they don't 
> require stations to add their correct call area as a suffix.  
> BARTG is unique in that outdated requirement.
> 73,
> Paul, N8HM
> On 1/9/2013 5:50 AM, pcooper wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> Well, thanks for all the responses!
>> Yes, I do appreciate that the comparison between G, GU etc and W 
>> is not a good one, but it was the only way I could think of 
>> explaining it.
>> Now, several folk kindly emailed me direct to say things like - 
>> Yes, but G.GU etc are different DXCC's, with which I agree.
>> By the same token, KL7/KH6/KP2 are ALSO different DXCC's, but you 
>> still find some in RTTY contests operating from the "lower 48".
>> I even got a KH8 in one contest that was on mainland America.
>> I don't know the answer to this, but does the FCC require that 
>> you sign differently if you are operating away from your home 
>> address?
>> In the UK, if we are operating somewhere other than our 
>> designated home address, we must sign /P for any temporary 
>> address, or /A from an "alternative" address, where the 
>> alternative is somewhere designated on our licence.
>> Let's say that you are W6XXX operating from Florida, and you 
>> enter the BARTG contest as W6XXX only.
>> If your log was to be classed as a check-log only, because you 
>> weren't following the rules, would you be annoyed?
>> Maybe contests that use US call areas as mults ought to enforce 
>> this part of the rule?
>> Apart from the BARTG contest, there is the EA RTTY contest, 
>> DL-DX, DRCG LDC, SARTG, JARTS, and WAEDC all use US (and some 
>> also include VE/JA/VK) call areas as mults, so please don't just 
>> single out BARTG for criticism.
>> Thanks again for all the comments.
>> 73 de Phil GU0SUP
>> (definitely in GU!)
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