[RTTY] RTTY Now trashy signals

Robert Chudek - K0RC k0rc at citlink.net
Wed Jan 9 16:37:09 EST 2013

Hello Ron...

I would be happy to get on and provide a test signal. QRZ says you are 
in Lincoln NE. I am about 50 miles NE of Minneapolis, MN. The path 
calculator says we are about 375 miles apart as the RF fly's. I would 
expect 40m to be the best shot between us right now. We could move up to 
a different band to see if signals would be any better.

73 de Bob - KØRC in MN

On 1/9/2013 3:18 PM, Ron Kolarik wrote:
> To take it one step further, how about a network of SDR receivers with 
> the
> GUI available on the internet.  Hint: they are out there already. The 
> only thing
> I can see that may be a problem is standards for the rx end, i.e. 
> filters, preamp,
> etc.  This would give you realtime feedback on what your signal looks 
> like at
> some distant station. Anyone want to get on for a test I can also 
> provide a
> screenshot from PSDR or SDR# your choice or both.
> Thanks Andy from your home grid :)
> Ron
> ----- Original Message ----- From: "Bill Turner" <dezrat1242 at yahoo.com>
> To: "RTTY Reflector" <rtty at contesting.com>
> Sent: Wednesday, January 09, 2013 2:50 PM
> Subject: Re: [RTTY] RTTY Now trashy signals
> On Wed, 9 Jan 2013 09:03:08 -0800 (PST), K0SM/2 wrote:
>> Here's a very simple way that might get at the crux of the issue. 
>> Let's say that signal number #3 was your signal (yes, this was 
>> recorded off the air this weekend, and no, I'm not going to identify 
>> him or her publicly):
>> http://www.frontiernet.net/~aflowers/rtty_examples/
> Wow... fascinating graphs, Andy. Great job!!
> I wonder if somehow it might be possible to arrange on-the-air tests 
> where a
> person could transmit a few seconds of data and have a graph like 
> those emailed
> to them? A lot of work, I know, but could be extremely valuable.
> Bill, W6WRT
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