[RTTY] contest change

Jeff Blaine keepwalking188 at yahoo.com
Tue Jul 9 07:08:35 EDT 2013

Good point Shelby,But I can see how guys would view it that way.

Different contest conditions combined with different prop condx gives each 
contest a personality it's own.  I consider the fall CQ RTTY the iron-man 
contest with it's 48-hour full-marathon length.  The 30 hour hard stop for 
RU is almost gentile by nature.


-----Original Message----- 
From: Shelby Summerville
Sent: Tuesday, July 09, 2013 2:39 AM
To: RTTY Reflector
Subject: Re: [RTTY] contest change

"IMO RU is supposed to be a "fun" contest (they're all fun, depending on
your definition) that allows the more casual contester to be competitive
with the "pros" without  sleep deprivation."

hmmmmm, it's amazing how much my definition of "fun" has changed over the
years! If, for one second, it is thought that the "casual" contester can
compete with the "pros", for whatever reason, it is a thought "bordering on
insanity"! The "pros" are there for their own reasons, and the "casuals" are
there for their own reasons. Those reasons vary greatly, and as long as they
are both content, it shouldn't matter what those reasons are?

casual = subject to, resulting from, or occurring by chance

pro = participating for gain in an activity or field of endeavor

C'Ya, Shelby - K4WW

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