[RTTY] ARRL attack on current RTTY users

Ben Antanaitis - WB2RHM wb2rhm at wb2rhm.com
Fri Nov 22 10:40:28 EST 2013


In my response to the RM, I am going to add the fact that in the 
'modern era' between Jan 2004 and Nov 2013 I have made approx 45431 
RTTY contacts, and have 27408 of those contacts confirmed by the 
ARRL's own contact confirmation system (LoTW).  This "digital modes 
that are no longer in favor" seems to be thriving.

IF it ain't broke, don't fix it. Put the super speed/data volume 
2.8KHz signals in the band segments where 2.8KHz BW is already the 'standard'.

Ben - WB2RHM, WB2RHM/4, WB2RHM/2

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