[RTTY] ARRL attack on current RTTY users

Kok Chen chen at mac.com
Sun Nov 24 18:28:34 EST 2013

On Nov 24, 2013, at 3:02 PM, Andreas Rehberg wrote:

> Pactor 4 can establish a link with initial deviation of +/- 280Hz..

That is quite irrelevant today because Pactor 4 is also illegal to use in the USA.

The 100 Hz off stations that I heard should lock, but they did not.

Neither did they try to automatically control their transmit frequencies to zero beat one another to conserve spectrum use.  AFC on receive side alone is insufficient to conserve spectrum use.  One of them needs to move their transmit frequency like the way we use NET in RTTY.

Kai is right - just confine Pactor 3 to SL1 or SL2 if the two stations together are going to hog so much extra of the spectrum. 

So guys, when you write to the FCC, also mention that these Pactor pairs actually occupy even more spectrum than each transmitter alone.  Two Pactor 4 stations together can occupy an extra 280 Hz than what each one alone uses.

Chen, W7AY

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