[RTTY] Need to lawyer up for 60 meters

Kok Chen chen at mac.com
Mon Nov 25 23:13:49 EST 2013

On Nov 25, 2013, at 7:02 PM, Bill Turner wrote:

> Never heard of MSK before.

Minimum Shift Keying.

45.45 baud MSK looks sufficiently enough like a waveshaped FSK signal with 22.725 Hz shift to be interoperable between them.


You and I made a QSO using 22.725 Hz shift a couple of years ago, for precisely the the same reason -- to test narrow shifts -- right after the 60m band was opened up for RTTY.  But we'd made the QSO on 20m.

From the error rate viewpoint, if you are going to use such a narrow shift, it is better to use true coherent MSK modulators and demodulator, with raised cosine filters.

Chen, W7AY

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