Ed Muns ed at w0yk.com
Thu Oct 17 13:17:58 EDT 2013

The JARTS rule could be interpreted either way.  BARTG is very explicit in
saying that the prefix, or /#, must indicate the call area of operation.
But, the JARTS rules leaves this open to interpretation.

Until JARTS clarifies their rule, I interpret the current rule to not
require US participants to use the /# if they operate in a different call
area than their callsign prefix.  The FCC does not care what prefix numeral
is associated with the operators mailing or operating address.  The FCC does
not require US amateurs to sign /# to indicate what call area they are in.
So, if JARTS doesn't explicitly make that part of their rules, then there is
no requirement to do so.  Of course, you can optionally add /# if you so

In general, from a contest standpoint either way is valid.  BARTG's approach
uses call areas as geographical mults just like countries, zones,
continents, etc.  Thus, their rules require the prefix or /# indicate the
physical call area of operation.  Nothing wrong with that.  Its just a
contest rule, not a challenge to the US FCC.

OTOH, the CQ WPX contests use prefixes as mults without any requirement
other than the prefix, or /prefix, must indicate the country of operation.
This is also just fine and just another contest rule.  So, the current JARTS
rules wording allows either interpretation, despite any intention that it be
one way or the other.



John N1JM wrote:
> The rules do not specifically say, but considering they count 
> call areas in the US as multipliers , do I need to sign /7 
> because I am in Arizona?

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