[RTTY] JARTS contest

Dick White whiter26 at sbcglobal.net
Wed Oct 23 16:56:32 EDT 2013

I missed one of my favorite contests last week end, JARTS. I was set up the
day before and all worked well. The day of the contest the SwR was full
scale  high on all 3 antennas and I was unable to operate.  After several
hours of checking all components I am still not 100% back to normal, but
able to use some bands using a tuner on bands I did not need before. Big
mystery as to what happened. 

Will  try the next RTTY contest.

Dick  -  KS0M


Life is not the way it's supposed to be. It is the way it is. How you deal
with it is what counts.

Richard C. (Dick) White

Fulton, MO. 65251  U.S.A.

Amateur Radio Station  KS0M


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