[RTTY] Courtesy

john w8wej at citynet.net
Mon Sep 30 18:04:45 EDT 2013

no stones,
actually I think the rtty bunch by and large are the most considerate 
contestants  of all--the folks here make it my favorite mode.
in short I love rtty contesting because of the folk in it
/qrp   or / any thing else hooked to a call  is a very bad idea--I know 
the qrp guys are proud of what they can do wid 5 wts or less, and they 
should be,,,   however  , in a contest, with programs not set up to 
ignore /qrp,ET AL ,,it is a very bad thing--/anything other than   qth 
in another area  just balls every thing up/// save the /qrp  thing to 
"regular causal contacts and just sign your call as is period.
this is a hobby(so they say) and should be fun , contests or whatever..
for the ones willing to listen and learn, they will, for the others, it 
is what it is.
my couple of cents worth,,, and yes there are still  a lot (though 
dimensioning) of us old fools)
lets have fun , shall we??
\73 john w8wej

On 9/30/2013 19:02, Stanley Zawrotny wrote:
> Some recent posts have been disturbing. Someone was upset because a 2x3 call was used to try to contact a DX station in a pileup during a contest. Well, that happens to be the F1 default in MMTTY and commonly used by DXers in pileups. Maybe this ham wasn't in the contest. Believe it or not, we do have to share these bands with non-contesters.
> Other posts complained about newbies that didn't use the proper format. If that really does get your knickers in such a bind, how about making a macro that says, PSE USE FORMAT 59 59 FL FL. We all would benefit from this moment of advise. It's better to be an Elmer than a disgruntled old man.
> I am also a member of another digital forum that recently had a long thread about QRM. It's interesting that RTTY contesting was a part of that discussion. We don't have a good reputation, guys. Courtesy is a part of the Amateur Radio Creed and also the DX Code of Conduct.
> I noticed that no one added TU to their QSOs. I guess a simple "thank you" would take almost half a second too long.
> OK, start throwing your stones now.
> Stan, K4SBZ
> Sent from my iPad
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