[RTTY] Comments on ARRL Centennial QSO Party

Dick Kriss aa5vu at att.net
Sat Apr 12 15:20:53 EDT 2014

On Apr 12, 2014, at 1:56 PM, Jeff Stai <wk6i.jeff at gmail.com> wrote:

> Has there been much clamoring for PSK contacts? If so, what is the best pileup-handling tool for PSK?
> I can do PSK when I operate W1AW/7, if I have to. ;) 73 jeff wk6i
> -- 
> Jeff Stai ~ wk6i.jeff at gmail.com

Hi Jeff,

I have worked a number of W1AW/P stations in PSK-31 and PSK-63 modes. It is best to just treat it like you would RTTY.  If you have a pile-up, go split but keep the exchanges short and do send their call more than one time. The problem with PSK-31 and some people will send their life story with macro button. Most of the people working the QSO Party will keep it short.

In the old days we used to go to CW when conditions got bad. Today PSK-31 seems to get through better than CW under certain conditions.  Try it some and see how it works out. I have even heard PSK-31 on 160. 

73 Dick AA5VU

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