[RTTY] RTTY ARRL Centennial Operation

Mike k4gmh at arrl.net
Sat Apr 12 19:52:41 EDT 2014


The following is some of my experience operating  RTTY in the Virginia
segment of the ARRL Centennial operating event.

My operating may be a bit unusual as I am running on two bands at the same
time by interlacing QSOs.  The difference from my normal SO2R operation is
the using split operation on both "run" freq.  (Yes, that was me operating
SO2R on 15 and 10 meters interlacing QSOs at the same time using the "...UP
2...". that Phil mentioned in his e-mail.)   Operating split as a psuedo DX
station was essentially a new experience for me.  (My last RTTY DX
operating was from VQ9 back in the late '70s.)

The first several days were hectic with the pile-ups on the "UP 2" freq.
sounding like someone just kicked a hornets nest.  Then had to using the
RIT and move away to find a station I could copy.  Once the pile up was
reduced, things returned to some semblance of normal on the "UP 2" freq:>)
(I've got a lot more respect for the DXpedition operators and what they
have to put up with.)

Yesterday (Friday), I stopped using  split operating on 80/40 as the number
of stations seems to have dropped off sufficiently (I've made 2000+ QSOs in
a bit over 20 hours on the 80-10 RTTY contest bands so far) that just
peeling off calling stations as normally done in a RTTY contest was
sufficient to work everyone who called on either band.

Call stacking and using a "now" type of macro has work well for getting the
pile up sorted out.  Noticed not using the "NOW...." hasn't been
detrimental to the rate - most stations understand what is happening when:
K7SV 599 VA K7SV " is sent rather than what I was using in contests:
NOW K7SV 599 VA K7SV".  Think I'll start using the reduced word macro for
my "NOW" macro in contests and see what happens.

Thanks to Phil, GU0SUP, and others for critiquing the W1AW/X RTTY
operation.  Helps all of use improve.

  Mike, K4GMH

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