[RTTY] Suggested RM-11708Letter Needed

Jeff AC0C keepwalking188 at ac0c.com
Wed Apr 16 15:57:16 EDT 2014


The problem is the FCC does not like form letters - they consider it spam. 
And the ARRL will want to lump a form letter from X-number of guys into one 
as well.

It's best if you write it out just like you have it here, from the heart. 
It would count more for either audience.

-----Original Message----- 
From: paul ecker
Sent: Wednesday, April 16, 2014 12:29 PM
To: rtty at contesting.com
Subject: [RTTY] Suggested RM-11708Letter Needed

I am a RTTY and a CW enthusiast who has been following, maybe not as closely 
as I should, nor do I totally understand the issue 100% but I would like 
many others I am sure, who aren't totally versed in the details like to help 
and make my voice heard in opposition to RM-11708. But I would need some 
help in doing so and have a suggestion. I am retired military and belong to 
several different veteran's organizations that often lobby in support or 
opposition to various pieces of Congressional Legislation. They ask us 
veterans to write letters to Congressman and Senators- BUT provide sample 
letters to use that have all the key issues covered. Some even have web 
sites you can go to to send the letters.
I would ask that one of you guys who best understands this issue post on 
this Reflector a "suggested letter/note" that many of us could use to 
contact the FCC, ARRL and its Directors. The basic letter could be 
personalized in one wanted to. Also - I belong to a few CW Reflectors where 
I have not head this issue discussed as often if at all, maybe we need to 
get them more involved.

73 Paul

Message: 4
Date: Tue, 15 Apr 2014 09:40:32 -0500
From: Terry <ab5k at hotmail.com>
To: <RTTY at contesting.com>,    "'George A. DeMontrond, III'"
    <georged at demontrond.com>
Subject: [RTTY] Please file your comments with RM-11708 with teh FCC
    and    your ARRL Director
Message-ID: <SNT148-DS15AC6F0172B5CA18130AAA92500 at phx.gbl>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"


It's still not too late to file comments regarding RM-11708.    Also please
copy your directors on your comments.  If anyone needs help in the filing,
please let me know as I have helped a couple of folks with their filings.
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