[RTTY] Proposal to move RTTY RU from ARRL

RTTY via RTTY rtty at contesting.com
Sat Apr 19 11:39:42 EDT 2014

Well there is a whole lot of work.  Ron K5DJ and I started the WW WPX 
contest for the ADRS and he and I did the entire thing with no other 
support.  Needless to say we had the contest in February, and had the 
plaques presented at the RTTY Journal DX & Contest dinner which then was 
in late April.  It was frankly a heck of a lot of work and with the 
numbers that the CQ WPX RTTY now has wouldn't be very possible these days.

With the huge increase of competition since those early years has come a 
huge amount of work.  I am sure Ed can attest to this.  The ARRL has a 
schedule that is very tight and there are/were 4 plus people working on 
it.  First is the log checking which for the RTTY Roundup as well as 
other RTTY contests is K1EA.  He gets the data, compiles it, massages 
it, etc.  then it goes to the author of the article who tracks down 
stories, pictures, and writes a fairly extensive web article.  Their 
were also the RTTY records to obtain.  Then my first editor which was my 
XYL WV7Y and my editor on everything I ever wrote massaged it, fixed 
errors, etc.  Then it went to the real Editor who in my case was Ward 
Silver, N0AX who first of all fixed everything in it, then he selected 
what the _QST_ article would contain;  then he sent it back and forth 
until the _QST_ version was done.  Eventually that came back from the 
_QST _staff and was all reviewed a month.

The ARRL pays!  However, I figured it was cents an hour so yes its a 
privilege to write as well as a chore.  Labor of love I would say.

Be sure and send Jeff WK6I the info he requested,  if its pictures I can 
assure you that if it's of gear without you in it then it won't be 

Thanks to all the authors of the articles we had on the web and later 
internal to the web writeup's.  This entire thing is all about RTTY and 
the folks who make up the RTTY contesting community.

73 Jay WS7I

On 4/19/2014 8:09 AM, RTTY via RTTY wrote:
> Is is so much a privilege to administer a contest or a chore?
> Stan, K4SBZ
> K4SBZ.sta. at gmail.com
> "Real radio bounces off the sky."
>> On Apr 19, 2014, at 10:11 AM, RTTY via RTTY <rtty at contesting.com> wrote:
>> I propose that we have a discussion about moving the RTTY RU contest out of
>> the control of the ARRL.    I do not know the history of the RTTY RU contest
>> but I know it was co-founded by Jay, WS7I and was not a ARRL contest.
>> Given the fact that the  ARRL is throwing traditional narrow band waveforms
>> like  RTTY "under the bus" then the ARRL should probably lose the privilege
>> of administering the RTTY RU contest.    Thoughts?
>> Terry  AB5K
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