[RTTY] ARRL Board / Winlink relationship

W0MU Mike Fatchett w0mu at w0mu.com
Sat Apr 26 10:38:37 EDT 2014

What can we do with this?  Can something be submitted to the FCC siting 
a severe conflict of interest.  That the ARRL's so called committee 
findings were slanted etc?  Probably not as this is all political.

Mike W0MU

On 4/26/2014 7:44 AM, Terry wrote:
> The July, 2004 ARRL Board minutes ties the ARRL and Winlink together.   The
> ARRL is on record encouraging the deployment of Winlink.    Also the ARRL
> had oversight with opportunities for correction of Winlink deficiencies and
> interference issues were obviously not addressed.   Details below.
> Terry   AB5K
> 21. On motion of Mr. Walstrom, seconded by Mr. Butler, the following
> resolution was
> WHEREAS the ad-hoc committee, also known as ARESCOM, was created by
> direction from the ARRL Board of Directors to develop a comprehensive
> program to enhance the current ARES emergency communications capability to
> include rapid and accurate handling of long range (interstate, national, and
> international) emergency communications; and
> WHEREAS this same ad-hoc committee has exceeded the Board's expectations by
> demonstrating a working network which implements the basic capabilities of
> the comprehensive program requested by the Board,
> THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the ARRL Board commends the members of the
> ad-hoc committee for their efforts and expertise in inaugurating the current
> network; and
> BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the ARRL Board encourages further development
> and expansion of the inaugural network to broaden the coverage and continue
> its expansion; and
> BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the ad-hoc committee be requested to extend its
> charter until the January 2005 ARRL Annual Meeting of the Board of Directors
> for the purpose of completing a plan of implementation that insures the
> following:
> 1. ARES is assured the prominent role in the management of this national
> network;
> 2. The ARES officials at all levels and appropriate ARRL HQ staff will be
> given the opportunity to formally critique the operation of the network to
> assure that the requirements of ARES and its served agencies are being met
> by the operation of the network;
> 3. The Winlink 2000 technical experts will positively address the results
> and findings of this critique;
> 4. A plan be developed to assure timely upgrading of the network as new
> technologies emerge and future ARES requirements evolve; and
> 5. Complete the negotiations and agreements necessary to assure ARRL access
> to the Winlink 2000 software.
> BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Board encourages the deployment of e-mail
> via Amateur Radio (as exemplified by Winlink 2000) as an additional
> emergency capability provided to agencies served by ARES.
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