[RTTY] uHam & Win7 question

ve3vid ve3vid at hotmail.com
Fri Aug 15 19:36:07 EDT 2014

Well I don't know why this didn't occur to me earlier.  I just did a Router update and also updated the firmware in the uKeyer2.

Problem solved. Start up now takes about 25 seconds.

I will ask one question though.  I originally purchased my microKEYER II to interface with a Kenwood TS-450.  Can I use the same interface cabling for a TS-850?  Or is there a cable specifically for an 850?


Sent from Samsung tablet

-------- Original message --------
>From "Joe Subich, W4TV" <lists at subich.com>
Date: 15/08/2014  17:22  (GMT-05:00)
To rtty at contesting.com
Subject Re: [RTTY] uHam & Win7 question

 > Router only starts so slowly when the system has been restarted.

Are you starting Router manually after the computer has started
and all the automatically loaded software has finished loading
or are you starting it automatically at Windows start?

There is a very large variability in start-up time depending on what
Windows is loading - particularly if several of the Adobe, Google,
Intuit, and Norton programs are all trying to load at start-up.  For
those systems used primarily for amateur purposes, I scour the
start-up, disable auto loading of any Adobe (Reader, Flash), Intuit,
Norton, and Google software (typically auto-update applications),
disable unnecessary Windows services, and configure Router to start
after a 15 second delay (allows Windows to initialize/load other

Many users will have from six to 20 automatically loading programs
at start-up and those can be competing with Router for memory and
CPU resources.


    ... Joe, W4TV

On 2014-08-15 4:04 PM, David VE3VID wrote:
> The PC is 3Ghz.      Windows 7/32  installed seamlessly.
> Router only starts so slowly when the system has been restarted.  Otherwise it starts rapidly on successive program starts.
> http://www.ve3vid.webs.com/
>> Date: Fri, 15 Aug 2014 14:44:34 -0400
>> From: lists at subich.com
>> To: rtty at contesting.com
>> Subject: Re: [RTTY] uHam & Win7 question
>>   > It also gives 7 banjo tones (audio acknowledgements) during start up.
>> The audio tones indicate that Windows needs to *create* the virtual
>> serial ports each time you start microHAM Router.  That is abnormal
>> and represents a problem in *your Windows installation*.
>> Start-up time for a typical moderate system (2.1 GHz Core2Duo, 4 GB
>> RAM) with all current Windows 7/64 updates is around 30 seconds and
>> will vary depending on what other processes are running when Router
>> is launched.
>> 73,
>>      ... Joe, W4TV
>> On 2014-08-15 11:12 AM, David VE3VID wrote:
>>> Hello everyone
>>> Since I installed Windows 7 on my PC microHAM Device Router functions differently.
>>> The program takes about 1 minute to start after clicking the program icon.  It also gives 7 banjo tones (audio acknowledgements) during start up.  I don't really care if this is the way the program runs under Win7 - it just seems very odd.
>>> Anybody else running uHAM Device Router also experience this?
>>> regards & 73David
>>> http://www.ve3vid.webs.com/
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