[RTTY] "Not responding" message - driving me crazy!

RLVZ--- via RTTY rtty at contesting.com
Sun Aug 17 16:22:33 EDT 2014

Hi Guys,
Hoping someone has experience with fixing the computer  lock ups and "Not 
responding...." messages that I'm experiencing.  It's  driving me crazy!
For the past few years, while doing CW & RTTY  contesting with various 
versions of N1MM Logger, my computers lock up and then  I'll get "Not 
responding" messages on the screen, such  as: "VFO A not responding".  I also get the 
same "not responding" messages  on the top of my two RTTY windows.  Each 
time this happens,  the computer locks for aprx. 20 seconds and it sure wrecks 
contesting while  running stations.  This weekend, I got the "not responding 
messages aprx.  every 10 minutes during my 17 hours of SARTG contesting, 
which was about 100  locks ups.  Needless to say, it was a very frustrating 
Some hams have told me that I have an "RF  problem".  I don't believe 
that's the case as this happens on receive  as well as transmit.  In addition, 
I've tried all types of chokes,  different computers, different mice and 
keyboards, different monitors, different  grounding arrangements, different 
cables, different antennas, and even different QTH's, and still have the same 
problem.  I've tried dozens of different versions of N1MM Logger and they all 
lock  up and give the "not responding" messages.  Even different  radios have 
the same computer lock up and "not responding"  problems.
The lock ups and "Not responding" messages occur a lot more  often when 
Packet spots are turned "on", and even more often  when the Skimmer is turned 
"on".  This makes me think that the  computer is being over loaded.  As 
mentioned earlier, I've had this nagging  problems for a few years, and I've 
purchased new computers numerous  times trying to eliminate this problem.  My 
current CPU is a  fast Quad-Core I5 with 16gB of RAM, it locks up less often 
then my older  and slower computers do, so it could be a computer speed 
problem.   Therefore, I have ALL other software turned "off" other  than N1MM 
Logger and Windows 7.  Even automatic updates are turned  off.  I will say that 
when my I5 was new that I had few "lock  ups" and "not responding" messages 
compared to this weekend.  I do have  AVAST anti-virus software and CC 
Cleaner software installed and don't  believe that I have any viruses on the 
Sure seems strange that all of my computers including my  Quad-Core I5 with 
16gB of Ram locks up and gives me "not responding" messages so  often when 
other hams with old and much slowwe CPU's don't have this  problem.
Sure hope someone has the answer for eliminating  these pesty "Not 
responding" errors and CPU lockups!
Thanks & 73,
Dick- K9OM

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