Peter Laws plaws at plaws.net
Mon Jan 6 11:56:56 EST 2014

On Mon, Jan 6, 2014 at 10:05 AM, Dave Barr <recordupe at verizon.net> wrote:
> I thought the JT65/JT9 customary segment on 20 meters was 14076-14080, so
> the complaint sounds a bit disingenuous.  At any rate, if you could hear
> neither side of a qso at the qrg you were on, you can use the frequency.

All true ... however, not all those modes are apparent to the
listener.  Back in the early oughties, I always wondered what those
funny spikes were in the MMTTY spectrum display.  Not quite evenly
spaced but close enough. I assumed they were just some form of RFI
while I was playing RTTY.

How was I to know they were PSK31?

I suspect that it's even worse with K1JT's growing suite - it is said
that the software can decode signals that are completely inaudible.

And yes, this has a bearing on the RM-11708 ...


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