[RTTY] Roundup observations - a bit long!

David G3YYD g3yyd at btinternet.com
Mon Jan 6 15:47:26 EST 2014


I sympathise about the DQRM. I started in RTTY in the early 70s when
machines ruled the RTTY world. We used to get a lot of guys call CQ over us
using CW because they thought we were commercial... Sometimes I used to
reply to the CQ in CW, thank them for QRMing my RTTY QSO and would they like
to find something better to do!

I still get DQRM when running on RTTY. Most of the time I just move about
85Hz and keep on running as the 2Tone selectivity at 85Hz offset is such
that they are attenuated more than the dynamic range of the radio. If they
move again I move again. No real problem as each QSO can be on a slightly
different frequency without missing a QSO.

In practice I find that most DQRM occurs on 20m and 15m and has little
impact on my rate as most of them are weak. The worst QRM from the lost QSO
point of view is from wideband FSK signals, which is a form of DQRM as it is
totally avoidable by using well controlled AFSK rather than rig based FSK
(K3 excepted).

73 David G3YYD

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