Stanley Zawrotny k4sbz.stan at gmail.com
Mon Jan 6 20:22:05 EST 2014

That wasn't even a watering hole....that was out in the desert! ;)

Stan, K4SBZ

"Real radio bounces off the sky."

> On Jan 6, 2014, at 6:27 PM, "Anthony (N2KI)" <n2ki.ham at gmail.com> wrote:
> According to the JT65 website, the operating frequency is 14.076.  When I
> was being given an on air reprimand for interfering, I was above 14.100.
> So there is no way in heck I was causing any interference that far down.
> So what does the guy do?  He sends me an email with his call sign to
> remind me of my interference.  What he doesn't realize is my system is
> recording the entire receive window to a text file.  So now we have a
> printed document with him causing interference and not identifying his
> station.  I have subsequently sent him a reply email to enlighten him. So
> if any of you per chance happen to get those on air reprimands from an
> unidentified station, here is one call sign that *could* be suspect. KD0RII
> Regards,
> Anthony (N2KI)
> On Mon, Jan 6, 2014 at 6:03 PM, Stanley Zawrotny <k4sbz.stan at gmail.com>wrote:
>> "Is there a good digital band plan?" A band plan is a "Gentlemen's
>> Agreement" because no one owns a frequency. Therefore when a gentleman
>> knows that a frequency is the watering hole for JT65, the gentleman goes
>> somewhere else to drink, to paraphrase the DX Code of Conduct.
>> BTW, do we really want someone to impose a band plan on us? Or do we want
>> to be good amateur radio citizens and voluntarily follow a traditional one
>> without griping at one another? Observe the wild animals of the jungle.
>> They continue to survive because they each stay out of the other's watering
>> holes.
>> Stan, K4SBZ
>> "Real radio bounces off the sky."
>>>> On Jan 6, 2014, at 4:36 PM, Peter Laws <plaws at plaws.net> wrote:
>>>> On Mon, Jan 6, 2014 at 2:39 PM, Stanley Zawrotny <k4sbz.stan at gmail.com>
>> wrote:
>>>> modes. Thankfully, everyone continues to respect the PSK31 folks, but
>> the JT65 people, with their one frequency, are now the enemy? Whatever
>> happened to the DX Code of Conduct? Or is getting that last few points more
>> important than "Respecting my fellow hams and conducting myself
>>> I "respect" the PSK31 folks because I can see their traces and hear
>>> them if I listen closely (wasn't always the case for me!  Not RFI
>>> after all!).  Likewise for that calliope mode (MFSK?).  That actually
>>> looks kind of cool on the waterfall and if I ever get my RF-on-audio
>>> issues fixed with my DigiKeyer, I should probably try it.
>>> It's impossible, in many cases, to do the same with Joe Taylor's stuff
>>> (something else I want to try!).  I wouldn't know where they hang out
>>> ... and if I was at that spot, didn't hear anything, and sent QRL?
>>> several times with no reply, I would not be violating any codes that I
>>> know of.
>>> Speaking of "whatever happened to ..." ... is there a good digital
>>> band-plan?  I tend not to use the one from the ARRL as it is often
>>> out-of-date and/or optimistic.  ;-)
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