[RTTY] Getting ready for NAQP RTTY problem

Jeff AC0C keepwalking188 at ac0c.com
Mon Jul 14 23:19:46 EDT 2014


You would do well to Hank's suggestions.

RTTY contesting has a focus on efficiency and the best results are obtained 
by using the exchanges and formats that are the standards in the RTTY 
contesting world.  I don't think the standard set that is loaded into N1MM 
reflects that, however, there are many many references in the history of 
this board which is worth taking some time to read.  The merits of each 
exchange type has been debated frequently and you can see the logic and 
suggestions from some of the top guys in RTTY contesting (of which Hank is 

Good luck in the NAQP!


-----Original Message----- 
From: Hank Garretson
Sent: Monday, July 14, 2014 4:04 PM
To: RTTY Reflector
Subject: Re: [RTTY] Getting ready for NAQP RTTY problem

> I wanted to increase the
> time diddles ran before sending text, the macro went into text almost
> without any
> diddle time at all with the default settings.

Please, no diddles? Standard and best RTTY contest procedure is no diddles.

Start your exchange with an {ENTER} then your exchange. End your
transmission with a single space.

Anything extra wastes time and doesn't contribute to readability.

For instance, {TX}{ENTER}! 599 # {RX}      Note no space after the {ENTER}

And {TX}{ENTER}CQ TEST {MYCALL} {MYCALL} CQ {RX}     Note space after the
last CQ

Good luck and have fun.

Contest Exuberantly,

Hank, W6SX
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