[RTTY] The RTTY efficiency myth and SUPERFILL

Tim Shoppa tshoppa at gmail.com
Wed Jul 16 12:42:29 EDT 2014

In a real RTTY contest, the "PLEASE COPY" is surprisingly rare. (It was
pretty common on field day, which thank God is not an actual contest!)

More common in real RTTY contests, are long preambles of punctuation
especially from EU contesters, and/or canned macros that greet me as
"Timothy" from a licensing database every time I ask for a fill. I don't
mind the guys who call me by name in exchange because they actually know
me, that's fine.

On the subject of asking for a fill... I saw on several occasions "PLEASE
MORE NR" in the DL RTTY contest a few weekends ago. That was very pleasing
to see! Asking for a fill in marginal conditions, and getting a long canned
macro that prints fine except for the actual variable exchange info which
was only sent once, is very frustrating!

I would encourage anyone setting up macros for CW or RTTY contesting, to
include a button for "superfill", where the variable exchange info is
repeated many times over. This is what I set up for that DL contest, I
encourage this become part of any standard contest macro package:


In the past Ed W0YK and others have tried to steer folks to "modular
macros". In my modular macro setup, I can use the macro keys to make any
initial exchange have multiple repeats of actual variable exchange
depending on conditions/QRM. I will generally send the variable exchange
info twice in the initial exchange except under the most optimal
conditions, because that is more efficient than having to give fills.


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