[RTTY] MMTTY, permanently disable AFC

Ed Muns ed at w0yk.com
Tue Jun 17 12:23:09 EDT 2014

One way MMTTY AFC "somehow gets turned on", is using the default
userpara.ini file that comes with MMTTY.  All 7 profiles have AFC=1 which
means whenever you load MMTTY or change a profile, the AFC is turned on ...
even though you previously had explicitly turned it off.  Stop this behavior
by editing userpara.ini so that all instances of "AFC=" are set to "AFC=0".

Joe writes:
> This limits AFC so it will move *no more than 70 Hz* (.4 x 170). That
> will allow AFC to "fine tune" but not cause you to go chasing all over
> the band. Thanks to G3YYD for the idea <G>.

Tim N3QE wrote:
Thanks Joe, I think you hit exactly on my objection to MMTTY AFC. It
somehow gets turned on, then next thing I know, MMTTY's center frequency
has wandered way out of the passband and signals that sound fine to my ears
are not producing the crosshairs in the X-Y and I'm wondering if I had a
wire broke or Windows locked up or something.

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