[RTTY] Second Century Campaign and RM-11708

Gary AL9A al9a at mtaonline.net
Fri May 23 18:34:35 EDT 2014


Regarding your email seeking matching funds for the ARRL Second Century 
Campaign, I must respectfully decline to participate until such time as the 
ARRL Board of Directors petitions the FCC to withdraw their ill considered 
and harmful RM-11708 petition.  As both a CW and RTTY operator it is 
difficult to imagine a more purposeful, willful and malicious action that 
will have severe negative consequences to all amateurs who use these modes.

That this petition was made by ARRL as the representative of ALL radio 
amateurs is deeply disturbing.  It is obvious to even the most casual reader 
that RM-11708 is intended to make legal a currently illegal data mode to 
benefit an extreme minority of amateurs with no regard whatsoever as to the 
negative consequences this would bring to the data sub-bands and current 
users of the affected modes.  For those of us who oppose this action to then 
be ignored, insulted and marginalized by the Chief Executive Officer as 
simply being too dim to understand the issue is beyond the pale.

For ARRL to now seek additional financial support, in the face of strong 
opposition to RM-11708 by a large segment of the amateur community, ARRL is 
in fact rubbing salt into an open, festering wound.  Rather than seek to 
reappraise the situation and admit the gravity of the error made in filing 
RM-11708 without prior input from concerned members, ARRL now seeks 
financial support from those it so callously disregards.  Absent a change in 
the attitude of the current leadership at ARRL there will not be a change in 
my attitude nor any further financial support until such time as there is .

Gary Senesac AL9A
Formerly Proud ARRL Life Member 

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