[RTTY] 88 Mh Chokes

Jim Hargrave w5ifp at gvtc.com
Wed Sep 10 11:25:47 EDT 2014


You are waking old memories.
I still have a home brewed RTTY TU which I built back in the 1960's for 
a model 15 RTTY machine.
I built the TU inside a small 2" AM monitor scope. I used88 Mh telephone 
chokes for theThe Mark / Space decoders.
Mine is still operational. I no longer use the TU section, but it still 
makes a nice RTTY XY monitor.

Jim w5ifp at gvtc.com

On 9/8/2014 7:42 PM, Art (K5FNQ) wrote:
> I have a set of 88 Mh chokes somewhere in my junque box.
> do these have any more value as during the RTTY hardware days?
> If I remember the use was for 170 hz shift with the old St -6 type 
> demodulators.
> Art K5FNQ

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