[RTTY] Help for FT-1000-MP Mark V

David G3YYD g3yyd at btinternet.com
Thu Apr 2 04:17:59 EDT 2015

The AFSK supposition described below does not reflect the reality and that
is on a daily basis I suffer QRM when operating RTTY from wideband radio
based FSK transmissions. But occasionally I may hear at a  much lower signal
level that occupies far less of the band. That signal being the second
harmonic of a lower tone of an AFSK transmission. In total radio based FSK
causes order of magnitude more pollution to our narrow RTTY segments than
the misuse of AFSK dies.

Also often people buy very expensive boxes to transmit FSK when all that is
needed for AFSK is a 3.5mm stereo jack on the end of a screened lead with a
series 10K resistor and a 1K resistor to ground connected to the input of
their rig. The lead saves a lot of money and substantially reduces QRM to
RTTY QSOs on the adjacent frequencies.

73 David G3YYD

-----Original Message-----
From: RTTY [mailto:rtty-bounces at contesting.com] On Behalf Of Joe Subich,
Sent: 01 April 2015 14:18
To: rtty at contesting.com
Subject: Re: [RTTY] Help for FT-1000-MP Mark V

> I agree if you do all those things wrong. But intelligent people (and 
> Radio Amateurs must be intelligent to pass the exams) will avoid those 
> pitfalls.

Even intelligent people can make mistakes or get sloppy.  Witness the
terrible AFSK signal from W1AW on 40 meters a couple years ago.  They were
doing everything right - AFSK to the modulator input of the Icom 756Pro,
voltage divider, etc. - but the signal return lead broke and nobody noticed.
That left extreme overdrive plus hum/buzz over 3+ KHz instead of 1 KHz like
the "clicks" of the FT-1000 line.

Given the number of "plug and pray" users out there with hardware that does
not pay proper attention to power supply bypassing or regulating the
CODEC/op amp reference voltages, those who do not take necessary care with
common mode RFI issues, those who believe in "all knobs to the right," those
who never got the memo about disabling any audio processing, etc., those who
don't know to disable Windows Sounds or stop listening to their streaming
media whilst operating, the number
(chances) of really gross AFSK issues far exceeds the number of "clicky"
signals from the FT-1000 family of rigs.

If you're primarily a RTTY contest operator you may not hear those other
signals and the FT-1000 family is still very popular with contesters so you
will hear a higher percentage of FSK from that source.  However, if you
spend significant time with PSK and JT modes or listen to the pile-up of
bigger DXpeditions, you will hear more really gross AFSK signals than wider
than necessary FSK signals.

Although I do not appreciate a "clicky" FT-1000MP 800 Hz away from me, it is
far less objectionable than the overdriven IC-706mkIIG with processor
cranked to the max, phase noise and carrier leakage.


   ... Joe, W4TV

On 2015-04-01 5:17 AM, David G3YYD wrote:
> Joe
> I agree if you do all those things wrong. But intelligent people (and 
> Radio Amateurs  must be intelligent to pass the exams) will avoid those
> Using AFSK takes up a lot less of the band than using Yaesu FSK, which 
> is like the Yaesu CW bandwidth very wide.
> I remember hearing about an FCC rule which says something along the 
> lines
> of: the transmission must occupy no more bandwidth than necessary for 
> the modulation type used and FT1000MP FSK for sure does not comply 
> with that rule.
> 73 David G3YYD
> -----Original Message-----
> From: RTTY [mailto:rtty-bounces at contesting.com] On Behalf Of Joe 
> Subich, W4TV
> Sent: 31 March 2015 20:37
> To: rtty at contesting.com
> Subject: Re: [RTTY] Help for FT-1000-MP Mark V
>   > Or just use SSB with a resistive attenuator from the sound card to 
> the  > microphone socket pin.
> Which does horrible things if you run the sound card level too high in 
> the PC or forget to turn off the compressor in the rig.  The big 
> benefit of PKT in the Yaesu rigs is that it makes sure the compressor 
> is off and the mic preamp is bypassed so you do not cause clipping
*before* the
> mic gain control.   It also avoids external switching that can fail and
> introduce hum/distortion.
> 73,
>      ... Joe, W4TV
> On 2015-03-31 4:29 PM, David G3YYD wrote:
>> Or just use SSB with a resistive attenuator from the sound card to 
>> the microphone socket pin. Did that for years on my old FT1KMP. Used 
>> a changeover switch to switch between microphone and attenuate audio 
>> from the PC.PTT was done by using VOX.
>> 73 David G3YYD
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: RTTY [mailto:rtty-bounces at contesting.com] On Behalf Of Joe 
>> Subich, W4TV
>> Sent: 31 March 2015 20:04
>> To: rtty at contesting.com
>> Subject: Re: [RTTY] Help for FT-1000-MP Mark V
>>> My problem is understanding how you tell if her radio is set to AFSK 
>>> or FSK?
>> RTTY-L and RTTY-U are FSK. To operate AFSK with any of the Yaesu 
>> transceivers one selects PKT mode.  Prior to the FT-9000/FT-2000 PKT 
>> was restricted to LSB mode which makes in difficult to use in some 
>> digital modes (QPSK##, JT-65, JT9, MFSK#, etc.) but correct for AFSK 
>> RTTY and usable (with a display difference) for BPSK##.
>> 73,
>>      ... Joe, W4TV
>> On 2015-03-30 11:44 PM, Gary AL9A wrote:
>>> Looking for some insight into RTTY settings for the Mark V.  I am 
>>> trying to help Corliss AL1G upgrade her RTTY setup, but am 
>>> unfamiliar with her radio. She is in Anchorage and I am about 45 
>>> road miles away from her QTH so we are doing this via email and phone
>>> She currently has a Rig Expert Standard as her interface, but is 
>>> going to upgrade to a microHAM MKII.  She has MMTTY stand alone 
>>> running and we are trying to get her new upgraded version of 
>>> WriteLog to use either the MMTTY plug in or the XMMT.ocx.  She has 
>>> been following the tips on AA5AU's web site, but she still is having 
>>> problems getting the radio to key up in WriteLog.  At this point I 
>>> am unsure if she is transmitting AFSK or FSK.
>>> I downloaded the manual for the Mark V and scanned through it 
>>> looking for subjects that included RTTY, AFSK and FSK.  I've 
>>> discovered that the Mark V has two jacks on the back of the radio 
>>> related to RTTY.  A
>>> 5 pin DIN labeled PACKET is for AFSK, PSK and other digital modes.  
>>> A
>>> 4 pin DIN is for FSK. My problem is understanding how you tell if 
>>> her radio is set to AFSK or FSK? The manual says to push the RTTY 
>>> button on the radio to select either RTTY LSB  or RTTY USB.  That's 
>>> it.  So is this AFSK or FSK?  Because of the LSB/USB choices it 
>>> sounds like the radio is going to transmit AFSK with either of these 
>>> settings through
>> the PACKET jack.
>>> I can't find anything in the manual that specifically says how to 
>>> set it to do FSK.  Is there a menu item buried somewhere that has to 
>>> be tweaked in order to get it to transmit FSK?  Any guidance
>>> 73,
>>> Gary AL9A
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