[RTTY] BARTG Results 2016

Simone Wilson m0box at btinternet.com
Wed Dec 16 15:20:51 EST 2015

Dear Diddlers,


It is with pleasure I can announce the full results for all BARTG contests
are now available on our contest 2015 calendar webpage. Simply click on the
results button to be taken to them. Certificate winners may download their
certificates by clicking on the icon. You may be interested in the QSO
analysis extracted from the results. You will also be able to access your
UBN data using the details provided when you submitted your original log.


http://bartg.rsgbcc.org/cgi-bin/readcal.pl links to our 2015 Calendar page.


May I take this opportunity of extending to you all the compliments of the
season from all the committee of BARTG and look forward to your continuing
support of our events next year.



73 de Simone. M0BOX

BARTG Contest Manageress




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