[RTTY] CQ WPX Rules question

Ed Muns ed at w0yk.com
Sat Feb 7 14:04:04 EST 2015

Yes, per Rule IV in your posting and Rule VI. C. 2. below, separate serial
number sequences should be used on each band by M2 (and, MM) entrants.

N1MM Logger and other major loggers have supported this rule in the past and
presumably still do.

Have fun!

VI. C. 2. Two-Transmitter (MULTI-TWO): A maximum of two transmitted signals
is permitted at any time on two different bands. Both transmitters may work
any station. A station may only be worked once per band regardless of which
transmitter is used. The log must indicate which transmitter made each QSO
(column 81 of CABRILLO QSO template for CQ contests). Each transmitter may
make a maximum of eight (8) band changes in any clock hour (00 through 59
minutes). Use a separate serial number sequence for each band.

Rich K3RWN wrote:

Is it required in WPX to use separate serial numbers for each band in a 
M2 or is it permitted if you choose?

IV. EXCHANGE:*RS(T) report plus a progressive contact serial number 
starting with 001 for the first contact. Note: Multi-Two and 
Multi-Unlimited entrants use separate serial number sequences on each band.

Can N1MM handle the above rule?  Is there a setting?

Look for WX3SKY next weekend.  I should be fun.



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