[RTTY] Question about NAQP rules

W0MU Mike Fatchett w0mu at w0mu.com
Tue Feb 24 13:43:36 EST 2015

Contest rules are filled with things like this.  I am sure they were 
intended to slow something down.

The issue I have is that instead of saying we have a problem with 
XXXXXXXXXXXX.  The contest organizers try to write rules that will stop 
XXXXXXXXXXXX when it really won't.

We seem to have a big issue with outting cheaters or suspected cheaters 
in Ham Radio.  I could never figure this out.

Mike W0MU

On 2/24/2015 11:26 AM, Bill Turner wrote:
> ------------ ORIGINAL MESSAGE ------------(may be snipped)
> On Tue, 24 Feb 2015 10:12:44 -0700, W0MU wrote:
>> If the Max power out  is 100 watts how we get there is irrelevant right?
> Exactly, and yet someone thought it was important enough to add it to
> the rules.
> Bill W6WRT
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