[RTTY] Overflow message from MMTTY

Charles Stackhouse cstack14478 at gmail.com
Thu Feb 26 21:29:24 EST 2015

I am trying to set up SO2V for the NAQP RTTY contest this weekend. I have a
K3 with subreceiver and use N1MM. I have MTTY in 2 separate directories.

RTTY Engine 1, the Digital Interface window for vfo A works fine - I can
send and receive RTTY.  RTTY Engine 2, the Digital Interface window for vfo
B immediately displays the word "Overflow" into the upper right of the
MMTTY window and won't receive. The settings for the two windows are the
same except for the "Source"  (MMTTY Option -->Setup--> Misc) where I have
selected Left for Engine 1 and Right for Engine 2.

I haven't been able to resolve this. Any help would be appreciated.

73, Charlie W2GN

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