[RTTY] BARTG 2014 Sprint Results

Simone Wilson m0box at btinternet.com
Wed Jan 21 10:29:07 EST 2015

CQ Contesters,


Adjudication for the BARTG January 2014 Sprint is now complete and the
results posted at http://tinyurl.com/BARTG2014Sprint for your perusal.


I am sorry it has taken me so long to adjudicate, but it was my first big
test, and even with a powerful PC it takes ½ hours each pass of the
automatic adjudication run. I had to run this many times to find the duff
logs, of which there were many, so I could correct them. Even so there were
still logs that refused to play ball.


This process will be greatly enhanced as you will be using the entry robot
this year, and that will present me with a much simpler task. Whilst I am on
the subject of the entry robot, it will respond to you via email. TAKE NOTE
of what it is telling you, warning and so on. If your not sure then get in
touch with me. Don’t just let it ride as if you do, your entry is likely to
be excluded. Correct your log and resubmit it.


May I take the opportunity of wishing all of you Good Luck in the 2015
Sprint this coming weekend. If you work G6BOX, then you’ve worked your
adjudicator hi hi.



73s de Simone Wilson - M0BOX

BARTG Contest manager



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