[RTTY] FTDI USB Adapter?

Michael Zolno luv.myipad3 at me.com
Fri Jan 30 06:19:14 EST 2015

Thanks to Scott and Bob for the great ideas and breath of sanity. I'd never think to sort like that as I'm new to using NewEgg. Guess I better start getting up earlier in the morning to keep up with you smart guys! Many thanks all around, I have homework to do.

All my very best,

Mike WH6YH 

Sent from my iPad

> On Jan 29, 2015, at 6:03 AM, rtty-request at contesting.com wrote:
>> On 1/28/2015 10:39 PM, Scott Schultz wrote:
>> Be sure to read the review. There is only 1 review and it is mine!
> Scott, I did read your review. Your point about where the item is 
> shipped from is very valid. NewEgg has followed the Amazon model in that 
> NewEgg lets other retailers besides NewEgg use the NewEgg store to sell 
> their wares. Luckily, NewEgg lets you filter out the items being shipped 
> from sellers other than NewEgg.
> For example, I followed the links in NewEgg's shopping tools to Computer 
> Hardware > Computer Accessories > Add-on Cards. I then filtered for "PCI 
> to Serial Port Card". There were 130 of those listings. I then filtered 
> for NewEgg as the seller. There were only 53 of those. In the 
> manufacturers filters, I see the name "SIIG". I've purchased SIIG 
> computer accessories in the past and, in my experience, they are good 
> products. Filtering for SIIG takes me down to 11 items.
> Yes, you'll pay more for a name brand product shipped from a U.S. 
> retailer. But, I think reducing the headache factor is worth the cost.
> Bob...

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