[RTTY] CTY-2508 Country Files - 26 June 2015

Jim Reisert AD1C jjreisert at alum.mit.edu
Fri Jun 26 09:53:56 EDT 2015

[CORRECTION - correct version is CTY-2508]

The Country (CTY) Files were updated on 26 June 2015:


For installation instructions, start at:


Hover your mouse over the word Contest in the menu, then select the
software you are using.

To install the file, follow the link to your software at the top of the page.

If you are interested in a bigger CTY.DAT for everyday logging, you can get
it here:


Note that the release notes (and Version Entity) for this larger file are
different than what is shown below.  There is a separate link to them.

Here are the release notes:

    26 June 2015 (CTY-2508)
    VER20150626, Version entity is Sierra Leone, 9L

    Added/changed Callsigns/prefixes:

	* MM0SHF/P is Shetland Islands, *GM/s
	* EA8BFH/4 and EA8BFH/5 are both Spain, EA
	* FO/F6BFH/P is Marquesas Islands, FO/m
	* TO90R is Reunion Island, FR
	* GB8GLM is Northern Ireland, GI
	* GB4SMM and MM0SHF/P are both Scotland, GM
	* GB0WIW, GB1BAF, GB1WIW and GB4BB are all Wales, GW
	* 4U5F is Italy, I
	* AH7T, KH6XS and W4NJK are all United States, K in CQ zone 3, ITU zone 6
	* AJ4F and W3DQN are both United States, K in CQ zone 4, ITU zone 7
	* K4OAQ, K7CS and WA4JA are all United States, K in CQ zone 4, ITU zone 8
	* WB9G and WP2XX are both United States, K in CQ zone 5, ITU zone 8
	* K4XV is Hawaii, KH6
	* LU2BPM/D and LU9XPA/L are both Argentina, LU
	* OE6XMF/FM and OE6XMF/NOE are both Austria, OE
	* SV2/SV1RP/T is Mount Athos, SV/a
	* TA1FA/2 is Asiatic Turkey, TA
	* R90IARU is in ITU zone 20, not ITU zone 29
	* R90IARU is in CQ zone 17, not CQ zone 16
	* R850PN, R9KW/4, RT9K/6, UA0LLM/5 and UA9JPX/6 are all European Russia, UA
	* RK6K/9 is European Russia, UA in CQ zone 17, ITU zone 20
	* UF1M/2 is Kaliningrad, UA2
	* R2015EP, RA/US5ETV, RX6CP/8, RX6DL/8/P and RX6DL/9/P are all Asiatic Russia, UA9
	* R1ZY/9 and RK4PA/9 are both Asiatic Russia, UA9 in ITU zone 20
	* R2015AS, R2015DS and R2015KM are all Asiatic Russia, UA9 in CQ zone 16
	* R2015SV, UA0KBG/9/P and UE44Y are all Asiatic Russia, UA9 in CQ zone 18, ITU zone 31
	* RM2D/0 is Asiatic Russia, UA9 in CQ zone 18, ITU zone 32
	* R3RRC/0 is Asiatic Russia, UA9 in CQ zone 19, ITU zone 23
	* R7AL/0 is Asiatic Russia, UA9 in CQ zone 19, ITU zone 34
	* VE2HAY/P and VE3GF/2 are both Canada, VE in ITU zone 4
	* VY0M is Canada, VE in CQ zone 1, ITU zone 3
	* VK8RC/4 is Australia, VK in ITU zone 55

    Retired Callsigns/prefixes:

	* GB2QM in Shetland Islands, *GM/s
	* TC100GLB, TC100GS and TC100VKZL in European Turkey, *TA1
	* DX0P in Spratly Islands, 1S
	* 9M2MDX/6, 9M4ARD/6 and 9M4ARD/8 in East Malaysia, 9M6
	* A41MO/SQ in Oman, A4
	* BD9BI/0 and BG8FUL/0 in China, BY
	  EG90IARU/3, EG90IARU/4, EG90IARU/5 and EG90IARU/7 in Spain, EA
	* EH90IARU/6 in Balearic Islands, EA6
	* EH90IARU/8 in Canary Islands, EA8
	* EA3EGB/9 in Ceuta & Melilla, EA9
	* TO90IARU in Martinique, FM
	* FO/F6BFH in Marquesas Islands, FO/m
	* GB2BCW and GB8RAF in Northern Ireland, GI
	* GB2QM, GB4GM and GB4MSE in Scotland, GM
	* GB0MIW, GB0MUU, GB2LM, GB4MPI, GB6AC, GB6GGM and GB8MD in Wales, GW
	* KC0TOT and KL7WP in United States, K
	* AB9OQ and WH6ZW in Mariana Islands, KH0
	* NH0A in Guam, KH2
	* KC7DUT, KE6JXO, KF6MQT and N9SBL in Hawaii, KH6
	* KG4TJS and KY7J in Alaska, KL
	* KP4FD/IARU and NB0G in Puerto Rico, KP4
	* LU1AET/D, LU1XZ/H, LU4WAP/D, LU5HJC/XP, LU5OM/K and LU6XQ/D in Argentina, LU
	* PD0ARI/MILL and PH4RTM/MILL in Netherlands, PA
	* PY0NY in Fernando de Noronha, PY0F
	* SV2/YL7A in Mount Athos, SV/a
	* R120RK, R120RP, R5VAJ/N, R9XZ/3, RP70KW, RP70PK, RQ0C/4, UA0XAK/3,
	  UA9B/1 and UA9UAX/4 in European Russia, UA
	  and UE2SK in Kaliningrad, UA2
	* R120RB, R120RG, R120RI, R120RJ, R120RL, R120RN, R120RQ, R120RU, R120RW,
	  R120RZ, R2015R, R9/UN7JHC, RA/EW8ADX, RC1M/9, RN9O/8, RP70AB, RP70AF, RP70AS,
	  RP70AY, RP70AZ, RP70BP, RP70DG, RP70DT, RP70G, RP70GA, RP70GB, RP70GI,
	  RP70GK, RP70GM, RP70GP, RP70GR, RP70GS, RP70H, RP70KE, RP70KM, RP70KV,
	  RP70LF, RP70LL, RP70LM, RP70LS, RP70MA, RP70MC, RP70MD, RP70MP, RP70NK,
	  RP70NM, RP70OB, RP70OF, RP70OS, RP70P, RP70PM, RP70R, RP70RS, RP70SA, RP70SD,
	  RP70SF, RP70SL, RP70SU, RP70TG, RP70TM, RP70UF, RP70UH, RP70UK, RP70V,
	  RP70YF, RP70ZF, RP70ZO, RQ4D/8 and UA9MA/9 in Asiatic Russia, UA9
	* AX8AA and VK100ANZAC in Australia, VK

73 - Jim AD1C

Jim Reisert AD1C, <jjreisert at alum.mit.edu>, http://www.ad1c.us

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