[RTTY] DXpedition to DE was DE on RTTY Was: NEQP RTTY

steve sm.shearer.01 at gmail.com
Fri May 1 20:17:57 EDT 2015

I have heard "someone" say they were going to be on the DE QSO party via 
If I get over this cold...  I was thinking about QRP RTTY during the QSO 
For me "most" of the RTTY contests conflict with other events so I don't 
get on during the contests like I use to.
I think there have been "dx" peditions to DE and W1AW/p was active in DE 
(via locals).
I am getting RTTY QSL's on LoTW from 2001 when I was more active...
73, steve WB3LGC  Wilmington, DE

On 01-May-15 6:14 PM, Bill Turini wrote:
> How many hams need DE?  Where does it stand on the Most Wanted List?
> Isn't it about time someone planned a Dxpedition to Delaware to give 
> the state to the faithful?
> This may sound farcical, but have you ever heard the pileups ND has on 
> their state QSO party?
> I have never heard DE run on RTTY, and believe me, I've listened 
> during the contests.   My theory is that they are afraid of the 
> pileups and the work QSLing.
> For some reason that escapes me now, I didn't work DE during the W1AW 
> portable operation - BOTH times.  I worked all other W1AW/p stations, 
> though.
> So, who's up for the DXpedition to DE?
> Bill
> On 5/1/2015 1:24 PM, Bob Burns W9BU wrote:
>> DEQP rules don't specifically mention RTTY, though they seem to be 
>> lumping
>> all "digital modes" in with CW for scoring, so there may be some DE 
>> stations
>> on the air using RTTY this weekend.
>> I just checked my logs and my DE RTTY confirmation was with W1AW/3. The
>> W1AW/portable program last year was a boon for folks chasing WAS. I 
>> finished
>> WAS on both phone and RTTY during 2014 and many of my confirmed 
>> contacts are
>> with W1AW/portable stations.
>> Bob...
>>> -----Original Message-----
>>> From: RTTY [mailto:rtty-bounces at contesting.com] On Behalf Of Bill 
>>> Turini
>>> Sent: Thursday, April 30, 2015 2:50 PM
>>> To: rtty at contesting.com
>>> Subject: Re: [RTTY] NEQP RTTY
>>> How about Delaware?  Does anyone who QSLs run RTTY  from Delaware?
>>> I'm one confirmation from WAS RTTY.  Have been for over a year. Wanna
>>> guess what state I need to follow up with a confirmation?
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