Richard White whiter26 at sbcglobal.net
Mon Sep 7 14:37:08 EDT 2015

My thanks to Valery for sending the RUCUPRTTY contest rules in English. I
could not ftnd a way to translate Russian to English in any of the web sites
sent to me. I now understand this is a RTTY75 / BPSK63 contest. I am not set
up to use either of those modes so will look for the next 45.45 baud
Thanks for the replies.... Dick  KS0M

Richard C. "Dick" White
Fulton, MO 65251 U.S.A
Amateur Radio Station  KS0M

-----Original Message-----
From: Shevtsov [mailto:valery.shevtsov at gmail.com] 
Sent: Monday, September 07, 2015 11:54 AM
To: 'Richard White'; 'RTTY, Contesting'
Subject: RE: [RTTY] RUCUPRTTY contest

Translated by Google:

REGULATIONS sports competitions on radio KB Cup CPP on digital forms of
communication in 2015 Sports events organized and conducted by Russian
Amateur Radio Union (CPP).
Sports competitions are held in accordance with this Regulation. The aims
and objectives of the competition are the popularization of radio, the
definition of the strongest radiosportsmenov-hams, increase technology
literacy skills of the participants and the operator.
1. Participants
To participate in sports competitions, short wave radio amateurs are invited
- citizens of the Russian Federation and other countries of the world.
Sporting events - personal with the team competition among the subjects of
the Russian Federation.
2. The terms of the competition, band (radio frequency) modulation types
(classes of emission) 2.1. Sports competitions are held at the location of
stations in two rounds:
1st round (night) - 12 September 2015 (Saturday) from 15.00 to 18.59 UTC,
2nd round (day) - 13 September 2015 (Sunday) from 06.00 to 09.59 UTC.
2.2. You may use the following types of modulation: RTTY75 and BPSK63.
2.3. For making QSOs are allowed to use the radio frequency band amateur
radio bands 80, 40, 20, 15 and 10 meters, reserved for the class of
emission. Recommended radio frequency bands - 3580-3600, 7040-7050,
14073-14112, 21080-21120, 28050-28150 kHz and.

2.4. Recommended challenge in sports - "CQ TEST".

3. The group of competitors
3.1. Participants compete in the following groups:
A1 (SINGLE-OP HIGH RUS): Russian participants - one operator - all bands,
the maximum permitted output power.
A2 (SINGLE-OP LOW RUS): the same as the group "A1", the output capacity up
to 100 watts.
B (MULTI-ONE RUS): Russian participants - two or three operators - one
transmitter. You can use multiple output cascades provided the use of the
lock (technical or software), which excludes the possibility of two or more
radiation radio signals at one time.
C1 (SINGLE-OP HIGH WORLD): Foreign participants - one operator - all bands,
the maximum permitted output power.
C2 (SINGLE-OP LOW WORLD): the same as the group "C1", output capacity up to
100 watts.
3.2. In all groups:
3.2.1. At any given time only one is allowed to emit a radio signal.
3.2.2. You may use the online notification (DX Cluster).
4. The test time competition
For all groups competing test time - 8 hours.
5. Repeated radio
Repeated radio counted in different rounds (two rounds) on different ranges
(five bands) and different types of modulation (two species). In other
words, one and the same party for all the test time allowed to spend 2?5?2 =
20 QSOs. Additional conditions: on one band radio re-counted no earlier than
a radio communication with another party.

6. Control number
The control room consists of a radio serial number (three or four digits),
starting with 001, and the notation QTH-locator, wherein It is party (two
letters and two digits, all four digits). Examples proper education control
number: 001LP48.

7.1. For each party to confirm the radio get points depending on the
distance to the DX, which is determined by c up to 1 km on the QTH-locator.
Points are awarded according to the rule:
distance, km: accrued points:
1000 and less than - 31
1001 ... 2000 - 35
2001 ... 3000 - 38
3001 ... 4000 - 42
4001 ... 5000 - 47
5001 ... 6000 - 52
6001 ... 7000 - 57
7001 and more - 62
7.2. For each confirmed the new "big" QTH-locator (KO, KP, LO, LP, and so
on. P.) On each band member further accrued 100 points (once for all the
test time).
7.3. The result is determined by the judging panel as a sport the sum of
points of claim. 7.1 and 7.2. Independent calculation of the claimed results
by the participant is not required.
8. Transitions
All groups are allowed no more than 10 transitions (changes operating
frequency range) for each calendar hour (with zero on the 59th minute of
every clock hour).

7.3. The result is determined by a sports judging panel as the sum of points
of claim. 7.1 and 7.2. Independent calculation of the claimed results by the
participant is optional.

9. Refereeing
Refereeing is carried out on the basis of reports received from participants
through continuous computer audit. Sending a Report "for Control "panel of
judges appreciated sport, even if competitions held only one radio. Radio
communications from non- who sent a report reporter counted when callsign It
meets not less than 5 logs of other correspondents 9.1. Radiocommunications
are not counted in the following cases (in brackets Specified symbol
9.1.1. Radio reporter not confirmed the report (NIL).
9.1.2. There is a difference in the control room or in the callsign; in that
the case does not count towards the two radio reporters.
9.1.3. Time radio differs by more than two minutes (T2); cm. and n. 9.2.4
9.2. Decision rules for systematic errors.
Systematic errors are considered in specifying the time of the radio range
or if the error is followed by a row of three or more
9.2.1. Systematic error in indicating the time in hours or minute (STE).
9.2.2. Systematically incorrectly specified range (SBE).
Participant prevent the systematic errors for each radio with bias is
charged 50% of the points (see.
Section 7) if there are no other grounds for removal of a radio according to
claim. 9.1.
Correspondents for such radio charged the full amount of points.
9.3. Over the radio, carried out in violation of section 8 ("Transition"),
points will be awarded.
9.4. For an indication of incomplete data in the rows of the report, the
previous data line "QSO:" (see. Section 12 "Reporting Requirements"), shall
be fined in the amount of 1% of the declared result.

10. Summarizing and rewarding the winners among the participants from the
Russian Federation 10.1. The winners of Group A1, A2 and B are awarded with
10.2. Team standings among the subjects of the Russian Federation. AT
Russian command of the subject involved a radio station operating from the
territory this subject of the Russian Federation, operated by citizens of
the Russian Federation. The result of the team of the subject of the Russian
- the sum of the three largest
the results of radio stations in groups A1 and A2, and two best results
radio stations in group B. Certificates will be awarded teams ranked 1, 2
and 3rd place.
10.3. Plaques are awarded radio station, showing 2 and 3 Results Group A1,
A2 and B.
10.4. Certificates will be awarded radio station, showing 1, 2 and 3 results
in the groups A1, A2 and B, as well as operators of radio stations,
Displaying 1, 2 and 3 results in group B.
10.5. Summing up the group carried out with the involvement of not less than
six radio stations. Summing up the team competition (p. 10.2) produced with
the involvement of at least four teams. Rewarding cups made if the group
entered the credit of not less than eight participants.
10.6. In the event of a tie, the winning Party with a higher ratio of the
number of confirmed links to the quantity declared.
10.7. List of tables technical results (by groups):
10.7.1. Tables of distribution of employees in the group A1, A2, B, C1, C2.
10.7.2. Table allocation of seats among the teams engaged in the subjects of
the Russian Federation.
10.8. Protests are accepted to the address of a sports judging panel
Competition within 10 days from the date of publication of the preliminary
the results on the website of the RAF www.srr.ru. After consideration of
protests sports decision the Jury is final.
11. Summarizing and rewarding the winners among the foreign participants
Plaques will be awarded to showing 1, 2 and 3 result groups C1 and C2.

12. Requirements for reports of participants 12.1. The report is the
application for participation in sports competitions.
Incorrect clearance report can serve as a basis for removal the participant
with the offset.
12.2. Reports are accepted in electronic form only through a web-interface
http://www.ua9qcq.com 12.3. The panel of judges takes to offset only those
reports that will be received within 10 days after the end of sports
Reports received after 10 days, but not later than 14 days after the sports
competitions are only accepted for control. Reports received after 14 days
will not be accepted.
12.4. Russian Parties shall provide a report in the format of "Ermak"
(see. www.srr.ru/CONTEST/ermak/index.html). This should draw attention to
the correct fields <OPERATORS:>. Personal the data of each operator is
filled in the following order: first name, patronymic, date of birth, sports
category / title, personal callsign category of personal radio station.
Foreign participants submit a report in a format <Cabrillo>.
12.5. Be sure to specify the frequency up to 1 kHz.
12.6. Modulation is indicated as follows: RTTY75 - RY, BPSK63 - PM.
web-based http://www.ua9qcq.com
Homepage: http://srr.ru/
. :: :: DEADLINE.
September 23, 2015 (according to the postmark)

-----Original Message-----
From: RTTY [mailto:rtty-bounces at contesting.com] On Behalf Of Richard White
Sent: Monday, September 07, 2015 8:43 PM
To: RTTY, Contesting
Subject: [RTTY] RUCUPRTTY contest

I set up for this contest in N1MM. However, I cannot find the rules. The web
site given is in Russian and I am unable to find a way to convert to
English. I would like to have the date(s) and time also where to send logs.

Dick    KS0M
RTTY mailing list
RTTY at contesting.com

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