[RTTY] No 599

Tim Shoppa tshoppa at gmail.com
Wed Feb 17 17:49:25 EST 2016

How about if we just send in our Cabillo with the received exchange. If
after repeated tries there is no 599 in the exchange, then no 599 in the

e.g. regular correct exchange Cabrillo:
QSO:  7046 RY 2016-02-13 0002 N3QE          599 0003   FA1KE        599

If he doesn't send me an RST:
QSO:  7046 RY 2016-02-13 0002 N3QE          599 0003   FA2KE

I know the last time I seriously tried to compete in IOTA contest, several
of the biggest island ops were not sending their IOTA number. (It actually
takes a fair amount of time to send). I sent in my log with the Cabrillo
IOTA field blank for the big island ops for these guys, and got my score
dinged, even though I sent a message to the logcheckers that the guy was
not sending his IOTA number even after I asked repeatedly.

Tim N3QE

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