[RTTY] RTTY Contest Operating
rwnewbould at comcast.net
Fri Feb 19 07:48:54 EST 2016
It is certainly your call (no pun intended) on how you would like to
format your macros, but I want the RUN station to see my call first as
his call was established during the CQ. Keep in mind if several
stations are calling him/her at once then he will see my call first and
not his own and then mine. He is going to work the first callsign
he/she sees. I do not believe you would send the callsign of the rare
DX station when trying to break through the pileup.
On 2/19/2016 7:06 AM, Rich Cariello wrote:
> Although a QSO may take a few seconds longer to make the request for repeats seem to be much lower. I find a more solid exchange when sending my information 3 times. Both in my CQ's and Replies. I also follow the format that I use working a CW contact starting with the other stations call sign and ending my transmission with a DE AA2MF my call sign. I feel much more confident of the QSO being correct this way. I include the DE as I understand it helps the logging software to pick out my call sign from the RTTY TEXT on the screen. I use MMTTY which has served me very well over the years doing RTTY. There are other decoder programs that might possibly not require the third entry but this combination has been working for me.
> Rich AA2MF
> Sent from my iPad
>> On Feb 17, 2016, at 15:28, David Tanks via RTTY <rtty at contesting.com> wrote:
>> Hello all. I have a couple of pet peeves to voice:
>> 1. Some operators do not send the RST report that is required of some, not all, contests. I work them anyway, even though they are clearly breaking the rules to save milliseconds off of each contact
>> The 2016 CQ World-Wide WPX RTTY Contest
>> February 13-14, 2016
>> " IV. CONTEST EXCHANGE: RST report plus a progressive contact serial number starting with 001 for the first contact. Note: Multi-Two and Multi-Unlimited entrants use separate serial number sequences on each band. ".
>> 2. Sometimes, there is an extended time period from when I send my call to a running station to the time that he sends my call with the report; before he starts sending the report, I have figured he hasn't heard me and send my call again. When the software finishes, I hear the running station sending a report; however, they have not set up their exchange to send the caller's call at the end of it, so all I see on my screen is " 599 123 123 " . Now, is he replying to me, or has someone snuck in there with me? Who knows? All I can do is stand by until the running station again sends the exchange, with the calling station's call displayed at the beginning. It seems a waste of time to not include the calling stations's call at the end of the exchange.
>> 3. With excellent band conditions and signal strengths, an exchange of " AD4TJ 599 123 " may be sufficient. However, how many timjes does that happen? If just a little something interferes, then the serial number only being sent once is not enough. And, at that, sometimes they don't even send my call, just 599 123. Are they answering me, or someone else?
>> I would appreciate hearing from the experienced RTTY contestors on what they think is proper, concerning these items.
>> 73, David AD4TJ
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